You enter, greet me, we exchange a few introductory words, and then you tell me that you want to masturbate while watching me in doggy style because it drives you crazy how Genesis's curves align perfectly to make your penis go wild, and how my sweet face asks you to give me your cum. And no, don't resist, just give it to me because it drives me crazy when you come for me.
"Les contare la realidad de este proceso: madrugo a las cinco de la manana, llego y el entrenador me brinda sus conocimientos para mi meta. Comienza el entrenamiento y despues de unos minutos, el cuerpo no me responde; ese ardor tan verraco en la parte que estoy trabajando es una locura. Se me va la respiracion y se me doblega la voluntad. Ay, dias que entreno mas voluntad que otra cosa, lol, y por la parte de los alimentos, lo mas retador: cambiar anos de malos habitos alimenticios y desconocimiento para dejar el arroz con huevo en las tres comidas, jaja. Por una gasolina mas premium, jaja. El fin del cuento es que soy una mujer muy consciente y eso que le escuchamos a las abuelas de 'mija, ojala me hubiera cuidado a su edad', yo ya lo estoy haciendo con todo lo que conlleva la decision de vivir el tiempo que vaya a vivir con la mejor calidad posible. En unos dias les doy mas anuncios."
"I know, my absence was awful. I got sick, but I didn't die, lol. I missed you a lot too. To make up for it and to reward you, I'll give you 10 credits per minute for the next 10 days. So go ahead and enjoy yourself, and I hope to make you feel how important you are to me."
"Lo se, fue un asco mi ausencia. Me enferme, pero no mori, lol. Yo tambien te extrane un monton. Para desquitarnos y para recompensarte, dejare solo por los proximos 10 dias 10 creditos por minuto. Asi que desquitate y espero hacerte sentir lo importante que eres para mi."
Hello, I know that you are someone really interesting and I would like to get to know you better, to know what makes you you and I would love to spend time with you. Would you like to talk or do something fun together?
No prendas tu camara, solo hazlo cuando te sientas comodo, dejate llevar por mi voz, dejame contarte lo que te quiero hacer, callate acaso no entiendes que me desborda de placer que me desees, que en cada show privado haces que me envicie mas de ti ?acaso no lo entiendes? Disfruta el aqui y el ahora en el que estamos no tengo que saber quien eres para desearte, acaso yo no tengo el derecho de fantasear contigo, asi como tu lo haces conmigo. Te deseo y cuento el tiempo para ver tu nombre de usuario en mi sala.
Be selfish when you are alone with me online, think about your pleasure, what you want, what you imagine, what you fantasize about, free yourself from the absurd feeling of doing good for another. Without the pressure of mechanized movements or cause good impressions, trample on the routine, monotony and physical sex without new emotions, I am Genesis with me you can be safe, free, carnal. Please be selfish and tell me what you want and please allow yourself to live whenever you want those intense and new emotions that you feel when you are online next to me if I allow it and how sexy you are when you think of you, you turn me on, I turn on see your username in my room I see you doing what you want to do and Willing to feel. Yummy!
Yes, treat me badly in show pv, uff Yummy, in the end that makes me more wet. That private show moment when you treat me like a bitch because of your impotence, having such a good time, making you come in minutes, biting my breasts hard, spitting on them, squeezing them, smiling at the camera and telling you to grab your penis For me it is where I realize that in those minutes of show pv you are mine then we don't know each other, but right at that moment you are mine and I make you mine. I know that's what you want, to feel what you don't know what it is, but that I know how to provoke it.
Si, tratame mal en show pv , uff Que rico, al final eso me moja mas. Ese momento de show privado cuando me tratas como una maldita debido a tu impotencia, de pasarla tan bien, de hacerte venir en minutos, de morder mis senos con fuerza, escupirlos, apretarlos, de sonreirte a la camara y de decirte que agarres tu pene para mi es donde me doy cuenta de que en esos minutos de show pv eres mio luego no nos conocemos, pero justo en ese momento eres mio y te hago mio. Se que eso es lo que quieres, Sentir eso que no sabes que es, pero que yo se como provocartelo.
Te deseo un hermoso dia hayas o no estado conmigo, hoy quiero que sepas que siempre te pienso y estas en mi mente un beso y un abrazo mi amante.
I told him thank you gentleman for making me orgasm, I got fucking nervous! He turns on his camera and I see... I went crazy
Soy tu cita de san Valentin, vamos a portarnos mal en san Valentin, desde el 11 de febrero hasta el 14 quiero compartir contigo en mis Stream ,tengo obsequios para ti y tengo muchas ganas de pasarla RICO CONTIGO, No puedo darte chocolates eso es cierto ja, ja, ja , pero sere mas autentica y te devorare en linea dandote los mejores orgasmos de tu vida deseandote con todas mis fuerzas Exprimiendo tu pene hasta dejarte sin nada y disfrutando cada momento contigo.
I love pampering and pampering you, I return 9% of the TIPS that you share with me Every day, for the next 90 days so that you can accumulate and redeem them in minutes for PV with a 9-day expiration date.
I will live the experience of playing with my anus, penetrating it and discovering sensations that I have not dared to experience and that I will experience for the first time with you. My first anal experience will be recorded and published together with the content of the month of February in my flirt4free fan club, subscribe monthly with 299 coins and receive special gifts for fan club members, favorite lists and gifts that I want to give only to you a You.Join me to enjoy my sexuality and experiences month by month in the fan club subscription with content and monthly experiences this February 9 I want to see your name in my notification, watch me, get wet, look at my face and face of pain or pleasure I don't know but look at meI WILL BE SEEING YOUR NAME in my notification a kiss.
Vivire la experiencia de jugar con mi ano penetrarlo y descubrir sensaciones que no me he atrevido a vivir y que experimentare por primera vez contigo. Mi primera experiencia anal estara grabada y publicada junto con el contenido del mes de febrero en mi club de fans de flirt4free, suscribete mensualmente con 299 monedas y recibe regalos especiales para los miembros de club de fans, listas de favoritos y obsequios que quiero darte solo a Ti. Acompaname a disfrutar de mi sexualidad y experiencias mes a mes en la suscripcion a fan club con contenido y vivencias mensuales este 9 de febrero deseo ver tu nombre en mi notificacion, observame, mojate, mira mi rostro y carita de dolor o placer no lo se pero mirame. ESTARE VIENDO TU NOMBRE en mi notificacion un beso.
In that mini second I realize that it is not seeing him that is producing this in me, it is simply him, and that would not happen if I had not had the opportunity to see him in his facet of observer and stealthy lover. Genesis Rodriguezz
I see his messages, I see how he plays with my mind and wets me with his tips, he is focused at that moment, on seeing my reactions, on how I bite my lips with the look of a sweet woman overflowing with pleasure...
When I look at the camera it drives me crazy not knowing who is behind the screen, wanting me and touching each other, living the moment as if it were the last, watching. Curiosity takes effect, serotonin rises in my body...
Starting in February I will activate the flirt4free fan club subscription with content with monthly erotic themes, where you will find unconventional content and crazy ideas that go through my mind as well as being able to share it with the flirt4free guys with a monthly price of 299 Tips, if you continue monthly in the subscription you will receive VIP content, GIFTS AND A SPECIAL TREATMENT IN MY WORLD.
Tengo un anuncio muy importante y retador por contarles, Imaginense que a esta preciosura se le ocurrio la idea de proponerse a adquirir 350 monedas 480 veces Lo que significa que UNA Gcoin Equivale al valor de 350 tips y el Reto y meta son 480 Gcoins.En base a esto deseaba decirle a mi mente que Genesis no se conforma solo con Hacer lo convencional y Que si o si Cualquier Reto Meta proposito fantasia o placer culposo Lo haremos Lo viviremos y se lograra. Sin extenderme mas esta es mi meta y nuestro reto, Entre mas experiencias y momentos vivamos mas subira el numero de las Gcoin ,Realmente sucederan muchas cosas en todo este Reto y Por otros anuncios parroquiales Las actualizaciones y todo el chisme de como vamos estara en Twitter @Genesisf4f Unete a mi TU sabes que eres parte de mi, TU Disfruta Vive y siente conmigo porque YO hare lo Mismo.Con amor Genesis
I have a very important and challenging announcement to tell you, imagine that this beauty came up with the idea of proposing to acquire 350 coins 480 times, which means that ONE Gcoin is equivalent to the value of 350 tips and the Challenge and goal are 480 Gcoins. Based on this, I wanted to tell my mind that Genesis is not satisfied with just doing the conventional thing and that yes or yes Any Challenge Goal purpose fantasy or guilty pleasure We will do it We will live it and it will be achieved. Without going any further, this is my goal and our challenge. The more experiences and moments we live, the more the number of Gcoins will rise. Many things will really happen throughout this Challenge and through other parish announcements. The updates and all the gossip about how we are going to be in Twitter @Genesisf4fJoin me YOU know you are part of me, YOU Enjoy Live and feel with me because I will do the same.With love Genesis
Hello treasure I will tell you quickly, this goal is for you to vote with the tip you want if you want my new realistic doll companion to accompany me on camera, if I reach the goal wow what an emotion I want us to do everything you can imagine. the biggest tip leader decides what I will call it.go and vote for the tig tager on my profile just do it, I am crazy In love with it.
At some point in history, a bad idea about porn and live cameras was created and false pleasure was modernized, I think that if a boy comes to my room I want it for him and for my real pleasure because I'm not here to have a hard time and I want to show how a woman does not pretend and has real pleasure, how I express myself in moments of real pleasure and how I actually behave.
Well, boy, as they say in Colombia, I'm going for a walk!I've been here a year and it's time to go to the flirt summit. I've never left the country and it's time to take some photos outside the country lol, there are many tips to win the contest I yearn for it with my soul if you want to support my dream of traveling as girl and I give my word to live this with you and while we win give my best during the contest so that you die of pleasure, so if you want to give this girl the lollipop just take me to many private shows and we make our own direct journey to orgasm.
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