It is my first blog here, I had not done it before because I did not feel prepared to do it and I did not find the right words to write it, but today I feel that I am ready to do it, when a friend proposed to be a webcam model, it was a very girl insecure and shy by my head only happened that perhaps I did not have the physicist (body to do it) but I risk and I do not regret because I have learned to love myself as I am, to fill myself with more security, my life has changed, besides that I have met wonderful people here, people who in one way or another have left their mark on me and I always carry in my heart, I feel happy and full of gratitude ... without a doubt it was one of the best decisions of my life, thanks to Each of the people for taking time and entering my room is valuable for me, I hope to be here for many more years, I really enjoy it
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